The FSIB is the 1st company in South Africa to be accredited as a fire system inspection body with SANAS.
After a year and a half of preparation and compiling of a quality manual in line with SANS 17020 FSIB FIRE SYSTEMS has achieved accreditation with SANAS.
This brings credibility to the bureau now as an official, approved inspection body.
Our entire management control process and inspection procedures are vetted by SANAS and approved every year.
Clients can use the Fire Systems Inspection Bureau now with confidence as they now have accreditation.
The Fire System Inspection Bureau (FSIB) was established in 2007 to provide independent services for Commercial and Industrial enterprises to ensure that life and property safety, fire detection and gaseous extinguishing systems are installed in accordance with current South African standards.
The leading Insurance Companies and Insurance Brokers have recognised the FSIB (Fire Systems Inspection Bureau) as an independent third-party organisation who have the competency to conduct these tasks. They recommend that all fire detection systems and gaseous extinguishing systems installed in commercial and industrial properties be inspected and certified to be compliant with South African standards and Codes of Practise.
The FSIB is recommended by ASIB (Automatic Sprinkler Inspection Bureau) and is a compulsory requirement of the FDIA (Fire Detection Installers Association).
The division of duties in the design, installation and commissioning of fire systems can lead to discrepancies in the finished installed system. The FSIB conducts inspections on these installations to ensure they comply with standards and will perform correctly in fire situations.
Reliance on a single source design, supply and install contract leaves the client in the hands of a single party with no technical back up. The FSIB provides a third-party assessment of such installations.
Having no connections with consultants, contractors or suppliers allows us to provide an independent unbiased view of the installed system.
All inspections are conducted in strict compliance with laid down standards and compliance certificates are awarded for correctly installed systems.
Inspections are conducted for end users, consultants and contractors.
We conduct inspections in computer rooms, data centres, warehouse facilities, factories, mines, shopping complexes, offices, industrial plants, power stations to name but a few.
We have inspected in excess of 2000 systems since our inception.
The FSIB provides compliance certification on installations that are designed and installed in compliance with local and international standards.
These certificates are used for local authorities and insurance companies as proof of the safety of the building with these systems installed.
Insurance companies are satisfied when presented with a compliance certificate from the FSIB.
The certificate is proof of correct fire installations to insurance companies if claims for fire damage are submitted.
Building changes, installation of partitioning for office relocation, service technicians conducting changes during the year can affect the layout and operation of your fire systems. Annual inspections become a necessity.
End user contract agreements are growing in popularity with corporate clients to ensure that fire systems are certified on a yearly basis.
Compliance certificates are valid for one year and should be reviewed annually.
By joining the list of signed up agreement clients the FSIB remind you of inspections due.